Charlie Morrissey
“The Apple Returns to the Tree”
Juli 30 – August 03 2024
9.30 – 11.30 H
Studio D
All Levels
In English
“I will return to some of the basic questions of Contact Improvisation; to how we notice ourselves as bodies/masses in relation to physical forces in a physical world - to visit them anew. This is an invitation to widen attention, to include perceived impossibilities in movement and to dive into the adventure of Contact Improvisation as if we were inventing it (which we are).” (Charlie Morrissey)
Using simple scores, the course participants explore the methodology of Contact Improvisation. Through these notations, the dancers involved discover their own layers of physical complexity; using physical maps and other structures of play, they explore their imagination and perception through solo, duet, trio and ensemble improvisation.
The title of the workshop references Steve Paxton’s early musings about the experience of the Newtonian apple as it falls from the tree. It acknowledges the time that has passed since then, and the incredible journey and evolution of Contact Improvisation as a series of questions and experiments, as a diaspora of bodies, a form, and a complex web of extrapolations and transformations.
Charlie is a performer, teacher, collaborator and director who has been working with movement for more than 35 years. His work is influenced and inspired by long-term working relationships with artists including Steve Paxton, Lisa Nelson, Scott Smith, K.J.Holmes, Kirstie Simson, Karen Nelson, Siobhan Davies, Katye Coe, Andrea Buckley, Becky Edmunds and many others. He has worked with performance at small and large-scales in theatre, gallery and site-based contexts in the UK and internationally.