NEUSTART KULTUR, a program of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, supports the preservation of cultural life in Germany under the substantial restrictions and financial burdens due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. The program aims to strengthen and adapt the cultural infrastructure in Germany as a basis for maintaining artistic work. It also supports artistic production itself and the development of new programs and projects. Overall, the program is intended to help cultural life to continue to prosper, to provide people with cultural and artistic offerings, and thus to ensure social communication and intellectual exchange.

The federal program NEUSTART KULTUR, which complements corresponding measures by the federal states, is subdivided into individual programs that have been developed to meet the specific needs of the indiviual sectors or branches. NPN-STEPPING OUT is part of the program “Hilfsprogramm Tanz”.

NPN-STEPPING OUT is intended to (re-)develop non-theatrical, analog, media and digital public spaces, as well as performative settings and fields of action for dance that are still to be thought of or invented, in order to expand the ways in which dance can be presented, which have been restricted by the Corona pandemic, and thus to continue artistic practice and occupation. Besides, the re-editing of works – originally meant to be performed on stage – for a performance in public and/or digital spaces can also be funded.

No further rounds are planned.

The following are entitled to apply: individual artists, dance teachers, dance ensembles, collectives, production centers, venues, festivals, production offices and dance networks, natural and legal persons with headquarters or a residence (in the case of natural people) in Germany that are not significantly publicly funded or supported with a percentage of public funds that is less than 50%.

The project will be primarily worked on/ realized in Germany.

The project can be assigned to one of the four fields of support.

The applicant contributes at least 10% of his/her own means or third-party means (also in material value). Justified exceptions are possible.

The minimal support sum for an application should, as a rule, be EUR 10.000,- and cannot exceed the maximum sum of EUR 50.000,- per project.

Fields of support

In the context of NPN-STEPPING OUT, projects can be applied for in the following four fields of support:

Field of support 1

Planning and realizing individual artistic projects that implement temporary presentation spaces (public): performative choreographic practices (e.g. performances, performative workshop concepts or similar projects) are realized in spaces such as museums, parks, parking houses, public squares, facades, etc. (while abiding by the security regulations applicable at the respective date at the location of realization). The re-edition or adaption of works originally proudced for a stage can also be considered for the performance in public space.

Field of support 2

Artistic projects that explore new paths of recording, projection and distribution (public and non-public): e.g. the implementation of 360° cameras, surveillance technologies, drones, virtual reality/ augmented reality technologies, public screenings, radio, film, among others. The re-edition or adaption of works originally proudced for a stage can also be considered for the performance in digital or public space.

Field of support 3

Education programs, web-based seminars or similar discourse formats (public and non-public).

Field of support 4

Conceptual plans for projects that are intended to be realized in an analog, media or digital space at a later time (non-public).

Please read the Notes on Submitting Applications & Project Handling carefully. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the administration.

Notes on Submitting Applications & Project Handling

Template Financing Plan

You can use this document to request any payment. Please download the document and save it on your computer before starting to fill it out.

Request for payment

Please submit your proof of use exclusively via the digital application portal of the NPN. You have up to 6 weeks after the end of the project to do so. If you have any questions, please contact the administration. Please note that failure to submit the proof of use by the deadline may result in the reclaiming of the entire grant.

Please read the information on how to fill in the proof of use carefully in advance:

Information proof of use

You can download an example of the financing plan here, as well as an example of the numerical proof as it is to be filled out in the application portal.

Example financing plan

Example proof of use

Please download the document and save it on your computer before starting to fill it out.

Time Sheet Template

The credit statement, with all logos (NPN, NEUSTART KULTUR & BKM), must be placed at a visible location. The correct listing in all publications (print and online) is an indispensable requirement for support and a part of the support contract. Abbreviations of this statement are not permitted! The credit statement and the logos must always be listed.

NPN credit statement

Help for visualizing the logos

NPN logo jpg

NPN logo eps

NEUSTART logo jpg

NEUSTART logo eps

BKM logo png

BKM logo eps




Janett Metzger

+49 89 189 31 37 50

Alexander Boiarinov

Administrative Staff
+49 89 244 1764 90
Telephone availability: Mon - Fri 10 - 14 H

Laura Harzer

Administrative Staff
+49 89 189 313 716
Telephone availability: Mon - Fri 10 - 13 H

Teresa Pazzini

Administrative Staff
+49 89 189 31 37 14

Mirko Hecktor

Social Media
+49 89 189 31 37 15



Sabine Leucht

Critique (Bavaria)


Sven Till

Artistic director fabrik Potsdam (Brandenburg)


Christian Watty

Artistic director euro-scene Leipzig (Saxony)


JOINT ADVENTURES – Walter Heun/ NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V. and the non-profit cultural organization Diehl+Ritter are with their together developed and coordinated federal dance support program part of the rescue initiative “NEUSTART KULTUR” of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM). The 20 million EUR aid program for the German dance scene is coordinated with current and new federal and state funding initiatives in such a way that the programs complement each other but avoid overcompensation.

In addition to NPN-STEPPING OUT, the concept provides for the implementation of two further programs. Applicants with an identical project cannot apply for funding from more than one of the programs.

DIS-TANZEN – a sholarship program for solo self-employed dancers and an impulse support model for dance schools and dance education in cultural institutions


TANZPAKT RECONNECT  – this program strengthens and secures the future of dance structures.
