ACCESS TO DANCE is a program to support and strengthen contemporary dance in Bavaria that was initiated in 2006 by a cooperation among various Munich dance organizations and institutions – Tanzbasis e.V. – in the context of Tanzplan Deutschland. In numerous interdisciplinary activities and an institutional network, ACCESS TO DANCE joins theory and practice, and creates sustainable new structures and formats for dance in Munich and Bavaria.
ACCESS TO DANCE is funded by: Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München, Bayerischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT) aus Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Bezirk Oberbayern.
Unique Dance and Performance from Switzerland
November 2023
In 2023, depARTures focused on exceptional artistic positions from Switzerland. The invited artists were brought together with the local scene in various discursive formats and/or workshops. In addition, the guest performances were complemented by specially developed audience formats in the presence of the invited artists.
Cindy Van Acker
La PP – Romane Peytavin, Pierre Piton
„Farewell Body”
József Trefeli & Gábor Varga
Tyra Wigg
ZOO – Thomas Hauert
With the kind support of Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council
A Dance Academy Camp
In cooperation and dialogue with European training institutes
The third edition of the Dance Academy Camp SOLID GROUND – CHALLENGING SPACE took place in the context of ACCESS TO DANCE and once again offered 40 students from (inter-)national dance academies five days of intensive exchange with experts from the field of contemporary dance and performance in choreographic labs, lectures and trainings providing input for their time after graduation.
October 2022
As part of the performance series “encounters”, we have been showing various works by artists from Germany and abroad who, by working at the interface with other art disciplines, are exploring new ways of interacting with the audience at SaalX, Freiheitshalle and Schwere Reiter. The invited artists work choreographically at the interface with other disciplines and methodologies. They use the body as a space for socio-political questions and stand for a progressive artistic development in contemporary dance.
Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft
„Platz nehmen“
Mette Ingvartsen
„The Dancing Public“
Gerard X Reyes
„The Principle of Pleasure“
Supported by the Danish Arts Foundation and the Representation of the Government of Québec in Berlin
2023 - Schwitzerland
2021 - Norway
2020 - Canada/Québéc
2019 - Katalonien
2018 - Niederlande
Guest performances and performance series with inter-/national artists and companies, as well as residencies for and with inter-/national artists create space for creative work, cultural exchange of know-how, encounters and networking. For Munich and Bavaria, the presentation of guest performances and the realization of residencies are an essential component and important prerequisite for a lively and constantly developing contemporary dance and performance scene. In addition, research and theory as well as formats of cultural communication are important fields of action in which a scene can examine itself with regard to interdisciplinary spaces of possibilities and new discourses.
With the depARTures series, JOINT ADVENTURES presented for the past four years choreographic works, as part of ACCESS TO DANCE and with the support of various cultural institutes, that built bridges to other art forms and thus expanded the possibilities of dance and performance.
Tanzbasis e.V.
Its members are
Nina Hümpel (
Dr. Klaus Kieser (K. Kieser Verlag)
Dietmar Lupfer (Muffatwerk)
Dr. Katja Schneider (Dance researcher)
Simone Schulte-Aladag (Fokus Tanz I Tanz und Schule e.V., Tanzbüro München)
Bettina Wagner-Bergelt (Dramaturge, Curator)
Dance Portal for Bavaria
The online portal “” reports on all ACCESS TO DANCE activities.